"They please the world most who please Christ least."--St. Jerome
While watching the Democratic Convention last night, I saw something amazing. Americans want someone to save them. They want change, a new "good news". In 1st century Rome, Ceaser was the answer to the worlds problems. In fact, there was the "good news" of Ceaser the king. Into this seemingly peaceful world came a new Good News, not of political ideals, but of the radical call to follow a carpenter from Nazareth. The call came to follow a Jew who had been crucified as a sinner, a failure, and a nobody. He was being proclaimed risen from the dead by fisherman, ex-tax collectors, and zealots as the True King with the True Good News. His Kingdom was not of this world. His message was the politics of the heart, soul, mind, and body. It was then, and it still is 2000 years later. His prayer in John 17 for His followers to be "one as He and His Father are one", was His vision for changing the world. When the world sees believers united in His Church, which is His chosen way to minister in the world, the world will find the "change" it truly needs. The "change" these folks on the TV were chanting about last night is at best, the same old thing. Especially when at the very center of their "change" is their dedication to legal abortion and their hope in contraception as being the way to "fewer abortions". Why would they want "fewer abortions" if abortion is ok?! And contraception led to more abortions in the 1950's and 60's when it was introduced as safe and accepted than before it came into vogue. The answer to no abortion and "change" is the call to take up our crosses and follow the Jewish carpenter from Nazareth. His Good News is still our answer to this relativism we are drowning in today in America. Either killing babies is evil, or it is not. Legally killing old people is next if we don't have real change, in our hearts.
วันจันทร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
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