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10 User Friendly Habits for Successful Home Gym Training

Are you dissatisfied with your current training program? Are you not achieving the results you had hoped for when you started training? If you are you stuck on a fitness plateau and are in need of some tips on how to start seeing progress then keep reading.

I am sure you want to see results from your training program (why would you do it if you didn?t want to see results, right?). You can start seeing measurable results again and break through those training plateaus by incorporating one or more of the following success habits for successful home gym training. In my ten+ years involved in the fitness industry and helping hundreds of people achieve their fitness goals, I have found these habits very valuable tools when it comes to seeing results from your training. I recommend using the ones that work for you and breaking through that training plateau!

Fitness Success Habits:

1.Set Clear Goals: Unfortunately a lot of people head to the gym without clearly identifying what it is exactly that they want to achieve. I suggest you nail down a specific goal to train for. I have found that when my clients really nail down a purpose to train for they always get better results. I find it interesting that when people focus on training for a special event they usually see better body composition results even though they weren?t focusing on that. I recommend picking a road race a few weeks out, a list of mountains to hike, a special date to look your best at, or a special competition to get ready for.

2.Have a Plan: Now that you have a compelling goal to train for you need a plan. I hang out in gyms a lot and most of the time I see people wandering around the gym with no plan at all. If people do have a plan that they are following, often times the plan is not appropriate for that individual. The best advice I can find is to get an individualized plan suited to the goals you have laid out. See habit number 10 below to learn more about getting the right plan for you.

3.Use Progressive Overload: ?If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten.? You need to progress in order to make your body change. This is a key habit that should be followed when it comes to training the human body. In order to see the physical changes you are looking for, you want to focus on improving from workout to workout. You can perform one or more reps than last time, lift a slightly heavier weight, and do the same amount of work in less time. The key is to challenge the body by progressively and systematically overloading the body in an intelligent manner.

4.Utilize Planned Variety: On average, the typical individual will adapt to an exercise program in 3-6 weeks. If you have been following a specific routine and you are not seeing results, then it is probably time to start mixing things up. You can change all kinds of things to get some needed variety in your program. You can change the overall format (switch to circuit training, supersets, etc.), change the number of sets, change the number of reps per set, change the rest periods between sets, change the exercises you are using for a given muscle group, change the grip or hand position, and you can even change the speed of movement for the exercises. The options are almost unlimited so don?t bore your muscles with the same old exercises with the same old 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Variety is the spice of life and a key factor in seeing continued progress.

5.Select ?Money? Exercises: Simply put, some exercises deliver a lot more benefit than others. Multi-joint, compound exercises like snatches, cleans, squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, bench presses, chest presses, seated rows, bentover rows, standing overhead presses, lat. pulldowns, pull-ups and chin-ups should make up the core of your exercise selection. No matter what your goals are you will get far better results by making the exercises listed above the core of your training program.

6.Keep a Training Log: ?But Kyle, I don?t need a training log, I can remember what I have done before in my head.? I hear this one all the time, usually from the same people who are not seeing any results from their efforts. Listen. If you want to see progress from your training, don?t leave things up to guess work. Remove all doubt and start tracking things. Track your progress via measurements such as body fat percentage, girth measurements, and body weight. Your training log can help you learn from your prior mistakes and help you achieve the results you are looking for at a faster rate.

7.Track What You Eat: Some experts say that 75-80% of your overall results are totally due to your nutrition. This may be surprising to you but you can gain muscle or lose fat on the exact same program. Your nutritional intake will totally dictate your results so if you really want to make some progress it can be a good idea to periodically track what you eat so that you can make sure that you are eating in a manner supportive to your goals.

8.Periodically Evaluate Your Progress or Lack Thereof: No program works forever and no matter how effective a given program was you should mix things up when you are no longer seeing results from your efforts. The only way to judge the effectiveness of a training program is by the results it is producing or not producing. Some experts recommend checking your progress every 1-3 weeks to see if you are improving in the areas you want to. If you are not seeing improvements then that should be a mental note for you to make some changes. If you are seeing results, keep training until that program no longer delivers.

9.Find a Great Training Partner: A great training habit that has the potential to improve your fitness results is to find a dedicated training partner. Choose carefully. You want someone who will challenge you, someone positive, someone to keep you on track, and someone who will help improve your training. You don?t want someone who is unreliable, negative, and lazy. Choose wisely and this training habit could mean renewed progress!

10.Find Coaches and Mentors: Coaches and Mentors can help save you lots of frustration. Coaches and Mentors have been there before and help you achieve better results at a faster rate. They know little tricks to help you get back on track towards the results you want, so do yourself a favor and invest in yourself by learning from these experienced teachers.

There you have it, ten success habits to help you break through those stubborn training plateaus. Implement some of these suggestions and I am sure that you will get back on track towards your fitness goals. Enjoy your training and keep focused on your goal.

Train with purpose,


Kyle Battis owns and operates Professional Fitness Coaching based out of Concord, NH. Kyle specializes in body transformation programs, athletic performance enhancement programs, and home gym training. If you want a collection of ideas to add some variety to your training please visit http://www.HomeGymSecrets.com You?ll have access to some amazing audio interviews Kyle has done with top-fitness professionals and you will receive a Free E-Book, ?The 20 Essential Secrets to Building the Body and the Home Gym of Your Dreams,? just for visiting. Kyle can be contacted by e-mailing him at kyle@homegymsecrets.com.
