วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get a Sex Change

Many people today aren't comfortable living as their own gender. Due to modern advances, they no longer have to live feeling like a misfit. Sex change operations are available and affordable to almost everyone. Here's how to start your journey to your true self.


Difficulty: Challenging
Examine why you want to get a sex change. Make sure it's because of long term, deep rooted feelings and not just a temporary issue.
Realize that a sex change doesn't involve only physical alteration of the sex organs. It requires daily hormone injections to maintain the overall physical characteristics of the desired sex. There are side effects from the surgery and hormone injections.
Talk to a therapist about your feelings. Consult more than one, if possible.
Discuss your feelings with your friends, if you feel safe. Ask for their opinions.
Look online to find clinics that perform sex change operations. There are clinics overseas, especially in Asia, that have reasonable prices.
Read online diaries of others who went through the operation. It can help you understand what you might face.
Join a community in your area or online for people dealing with transgender or sex change issues. Establish a network of support.
Research methods of paying for your sex change operation. Some medical insurances may cover the procedure. Some large cities cover the cost of sex change operations in their medical benefits as well.
