I absolutely love traveling; I especially love traveling to Patong. Besides the wonderful beaches, superb food and fantastic nightlife, there are lots and lots of very pretty girls. Now don't go trying to understand Patong girls; taking them at face value is wrong, but don't go digging around for the reasons behind why they do what they do.
And just what do they do, I hear you ask. They prey on the weak and pounce upon the naïve. Still, they're all great characters and there's lots of fun to be had if you know how to play them at their own game. As I said, trying to understand Patong girls is a purely theoretical exercise and one which is doomed to fail.
Now this is where trying to understand Patong girls comes in: these ladies don't actually love you. They probably don't think that you're handsome either. They do like the look of that bulge in your pants, though… the wallet I mean. And this is the key to trying to understand Patong girls: they really, really like money. Play them at their own game and you'll have a nice time.
วันศุกร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551
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