วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Hong Kong, China, & Phuket, Thailand Pics

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. But I promise, I've got two good ones in the works! One of them will be a post to that makes you go hmmmm and the other, well, is just from a happy and proud Mom. Ok, everyone gag at the same time.....

In the meantime, my friends, take a look at some of the photos Norman and Heather took while on their honeymoon (May 2008) to Hong Kong, China and Phuket, Thailand. Some are absolutely beautiful, some a little strange, and some... well, a lot strange!

a gondola ride Click on the pics to enlarge!

a Thailand child in the waterA Thai girl

baboon in the tree A monkey up a tree!

baboon on a chain

a thatched roof a thatched roof

another pic of St Paul's ruins and Heather St Paul's ruins in China

another chinese performer Chinese woman performers

Chinese performer

bamboo scaffolding bamboo scaffolding

Thailand and China pics

city of Hong Kong

building in Hong Kong
